Thanks, everyone, for a great 2024! Here are the top 10 most popular articles on the Unger Review in 2024. As always, there are some surprises, especially with the number one article. It’s definitely not the article I think is the best or funniest, but I guess it just spoke to the zeitgeist of our time. Ha. Anyway this list is based purely on the number of clicks, not social media engagement or my personal favourites, which would result in a very different list. Algorithms have a lot to do with it. So, let’s just put it this way – here are the Top 10 articles that Facebook wanted you to see.
Click on the links below to read each article.
10. Tim Hortons to Replace Timbits with Mennonite Zwieback
9. Counting Crows Launch New Fragrance ‘The Smell of Hospitals in Winter’
8. Mennonite Woman to Go Around Naked Now that Reitman’s is Closed
7. Maple Leafs Hire Loblaws CEO Galen Weston to Artificially Inflate Fan Expectations
6. Mennonite Couple Ill-Prepared for Encounter with ‘Spicy Perogy Pizza’
5. Taylor Swift Fulfills Lifelong Dream of Meeting Zach Collaros
4. Steinbach Man Still Sneaking Over to La Broquerie for Booze
3. Mennonites Hired to Transform All Loblaws Locations into Thrift Stores
2. Salt Lake City NHL Team Unveils New Uniforms
1. “Skibidi Toilet” Added to Oxford English Dictionary
So there we have it. What was your favourite article of 2024?