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Top Mennonite Vacation Rentals Available Right Now on AirBnB

Whether you’re a Mennonite in need of a getaway or an Englisher who wants, for some strange reason, to stay with a Mennonite, AirBnB lists plenty of exciting options. Here are the top 5 Mennonite vacation rentals we found on AirBnB.

Semlin. Dalmeny, Saskatchewan. C$120/night. Contact: Henry and Annie Penner

When not occupied by Henry’s mother-in-law, the Penners rent out their lovely turn-of-the-century sod hut. The semlin offers visitors the chance to sleep like it’s 1874. The Penners smoke out the place after each visit to reduce the likelihood of ticks.


Barn loft. Gretna, Manitoba. C$95/night. Contact: Mr. and Mrs. I.M.A. Vogt

Stay in the most romantic spot in Gretna for under $100 a night. History buffs will be excited to know that about 62% of Gretna’s residents, including legendary science-fiction writer AE Van Vogt, were conceived in this very spot.


Church basement. $23/night per person. Mountain Lake, Minnesota. Contact: church secretary

Targeting the backpacker crowd, the Mountain Lake BMC church runs the most happening hostel in town. If a funeral is in town during your visit, you’ll have the opportunity to help take down the tables before curling up on a mattress with all the other young people. It’s important to note, however, that the MLBMC church has a strict ‘no drugs’ policy.


Ford F-150 Truck Bed. C$170/night plus gas money. Taber, Alberta. Contact: Doug

Already booked sold during the winter months, Doug from Taber is making his truck bed available for guests during the slow summer months. Occupants are expected to chip in with the gas money, but Doug promises guests a “minimum of three hours” cruising the back roads each evening. Beer is extra.


A night with the pastoral couple. By voluntary donation. Meade, Kansas. Contact: Rev. or Mrs. Bergen

After years of listing their home in the Mennonite Your Way guide, Rev. and Mrs. Henry Bergen have now made their home available on AirBnB. Best of all is it’s completely free, just so long as you’re willing to spend a few hours listening to Rev. Bergen’s long-winded, rambling stories about his time in the mission-field. Mrs. Bergen will also provide make-up tips in the morning.


(photo credits: Tim Evanson, Jason Dean, Quinn Dombrowski, Rachel Kramer, Greg Peterson/CC/Flickr)

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