2021, a year most of us would much rather forget. Alright, I’m with you there, but just in case you do want to remember a few moments, here’s the year that was – according to the Daily Bonnet. These are the top ten most popular articles (based on clicks) in 2021.
Click on the links to refresh your memories on the Daily Bonnet 2021.
10. ‘The Voice’ to Feature Nothing but Mennonite Family Trios from Now On
9. Mennonite Man Hesitant to Get Vaccine After Learning He’ll Have to Start Attending Church Again
8. Paul Maurice to Coach Grunthal Red Wings
7. Mennonite Family Invites Oma Krahn to Christmas Gathering
6. Brian Pallister to Manitobans: “You Can’t Fire Me; I Quit”
5. Kenney Commands All MLAs to Vacation in La Crete, Alberta from Now On
4. Outrage in Winnipeg as Bell MTS Place Becomes Latest Victim of Cancel Culture
3. The Seven Hottest Mennonite Sex Positions
2. John Tortorella Hires Mennonites to Shun Patrik Laine
1. Oma Krahn Variant Spreads Like Wildfire in Mennonite Country