It was a great year for Menno movies! Mask requirements meant that millions of Mennonites could attend their local movie houses without any possible way of being identified by the church elders sitting across the street writing down their names. I myself attended the theatre more times than I have in years and all without ever once having to apologize in front of the congregation.
So what were the most popular Menno movies of 2021? Let’s have a look.
10. Tom and Jerry Heinrichs – A reboot of the classic Mennonite cat and mouse cartoon, except without any violence.
9. The Low German Dispatch – Wes Anderson finally makes his quirkiest movie ever.
8. Godzilla vs. Kong vs. Mrs. Wiebe – We all know who comes out on top in this one.
7. Clifford the Big Red Hunt – This family-friendly film will have kids of all ages muttering “waut de hunt?”
6. Chaco Cruise – Dwayne the Rock Johnson plays an alcoholic river boat captain escorting a family of Canadian Mennos up the Paraguay River in a voyage to visit the frintschoft.
5. Faspa: Let There Be Carnage – This popular horror film depicts the bloodbath at the Goertzen gathering a few Sundays ago when they ran out of deli meat.
4. Oola – Many call Oola the most disturbing film M. Night Shyamalan has ever made. Watch Mr. Plett and Mr. Duerksen age right before your eyes as they nurse coffees all afternoon at the local A&W.
3. The Last Dueck – Basically three hours of watching a worried Dueck couple harangue their newlywed son and daughter-in-law into having children.
2. Friesen Guy – Ryan Reynolds discovers he’s actually a Steinbach Credit Union teller.
1. No Time to Diet – James Bond visits a Mennonite family gathering.