After an unbroken streak of fifty-three days of inane manipulative meme-sharing, Mr. Hiebert neglected to like and share a political meme that he agreed with and was met with a fate worse than Job as a result.
“The meme said Trudeau and/or Facebook and/or Bill Gates and/or George Soros really really wouldn’t like it I shared the meme. It also said that “no on has the balls to share this,”” explained Mr. Hiebert. “For some reason, I just skimmed past it and didn’t share! Let me tell you, I won’t make that mistake twice.”
As a result of his one-day lapse from being very easily and predictably psychologically manipulated into sharing a stupid misleading meme, Mr. Hiebert lost his home, his dog, his wife, and three turkeys he was planing to eat this spring.
“Woah is me for not sharing that meme!” said Mr. Hiebert, ripping his cloak in distress. “Let my life be a warning to others: do not let a meme that confirms your biases pass you by without sharing it!”
In order to make up for his momentary lapse in judgement, Mr. Hiebert has started a “True Canadian Patriot” Facebook page where he plans to churn out pathetic unfunny memes with sketchy information, put them out into the world, and compel others to share them.