For decades, children have entertained themselves on long road trips by filling in the blanks on the popular Mad Libs sheets. For your endless amusement, here is a Mennonite Mad Lib-style game.
Instructions: Print off this page. Then: Do not read the story out loud until one person asks for a ‘surname’, ‘animal’, ‘place’, etc. and fills in the other person’s answers in the appropriate blanks. Once you’re finished, read the completed story together and let the laughter ensue.
Old Mr. and Mrs. _______________________ (Mennonite surname) woke up early one Sunday morning to milk the __________________ (animal). Once they were finished, they decided it was time to go to ______________________ (place) or else the church elders would be upset. So they hitched up the horses, _____________________ (friend’s name) and _____________________ (another friend’s name), and galloped down the gravel road toward Blumenort.
However, about halfway between ____________________ (town/city name) and Blumenort, the old man decided he was hungry for _____________________ (Mennonite food) and decided to skip out on Reverend Penner’s sermon about wives submitting to their ____________________ (noun).
But his wife Bertha would have none of it and got so upset that she threw her dried up old _____________________ (baked good) right at her husband’s ___________________ (body part).
“Oba, Henry, you can’t just do whatever you’d like on a Sunday. You have obligations to all your cousins: Fuela _____________________ (first name 1), Gumshoe ____________________ (first name 2), Slapshot _______________________ (first name 3), Dirty _______________________ (first name 4), Sexy _____________________ (first name 5), and all the others.”
Just then Mr. ___________________ (same surname) pulled the horses over to the side of the road.
“______________________ (Plautdietsch profanity)! Look what you made me do,” said her husband. “I’ve got _________________________ (choose one: schmaunt fat, white sauce, pickle juice) all over my ________________________ (article of clothing). I need to find a ___________________ (occupation) to help me get this cleaned up.”
“Well, that’s what you get for _____________________ing (verb) and driving,” said Mrs. _________________(same surname), who took over the reigns. With a renewed sense of purpose, they made it to Blumenort just in time to see Henry Friesen _____________________ ed (verb) upon confession of his faith.
The elderly Mennonite couple were so happy they had gone to Blumenort that they celebrated with a huge bottle of _____________________ (liquid), which had gone a little sour from sitting out in the sun for too long.
In order the pay for the cleaning, however, the old man decided to sell his wife’s ____________________ (object), which was quite the hot commodity in Blumenort in those days.
That afternoon, the couple headed back home, hitched up the horses and had really ______________________ (adjective) Meddachschlop all afternoon.
(photo credit: by Joe Goldberg/CC )