Not wanting to participate in anything resembling a “lottery”, Mennonites of the Winker area have agreed to get the vaccine so long as their names are thrown into the hat for the quilt raffle instead.
“Okay, I’ll take my Pfizer,” said Mrs. Thiessen, “but, please, don’t put my name in any lottery. I’m not sure the elders would ever let me off of Friday night Young People’s cleanup duty if I participated in something like that.”
Mrs. Thiessen rolled up her sleeve and put her name down for a chance to win a log cabin pattern by the Rosenort EMC ladies or a set of lovely table runners by Mrs. Dueck of Gnadenthal.
“It’s too bad they’re only giving out one quilt and four table runners in all of Winkler,” said Mrs Thiessen. “With all the people getting the vaccine these days, it looks like my odds of winning are pretty slim.”
The province has also provided a few other lottery alternatives for reluctant Mennonites, such as the vaccine “soup and pie fundraiser” and the vaccine “after church potluck.”
“The potluck is not much different from a lottery, anyway,” said Mrs. Thiessen. “That iffy selection of taco salads is always a gamble.”
After deliberating about the prospect of a vaccine “lottery”, Winkler church elders said it was okay to participate as long as any winnings are donated to the church gymnasium/faspa room expansion fund.
(photo credit: Aldon Hynes/CC)