Do not worry, this is not a church split and we haven’t been sold to the Lutherans. It was just … time for a change. I know how much Mennonites hate change. But I’ve never been a normal Mennonite. Have you seen my hair cut?
And so The Daily Bonnet is now … The Unger Review. Or maybe just Unger Review if you prefer the pun.
Speaking of puns, you also may have noticed that the dry dull headings like “Food and Drink” and “Church” have been changed to much punnier options like Unger the Influence and Unger Conviction. There’s even a new sports section called … you guessed it … Unger Games.
So why change? There are a few reasons, but the main reason was that I wanted to write under my own name, Andrew Unger. However, my name alone doesn’t make for a good satirical website name. I considered The Unger Report like The Colbert Report or The Borowitz Report. I went through dozens of options with the word Unger in the title, some of which I used for section titles. Eventually I settled on The Unger Review. I like it. It suggests a newspaper or magazine, while at the same time including a pun for those who are into that sort of thing.
Otherwise things will look pretty familiar around here. All the old articles are still here. You can find your favourites with the search function. The best articles are also revised and updated in the book The Best of the Bonnet.
I do have some exciting new interactive features planned including a headline contest, which should be announced shortly, so stay tuned.
Now, some technical stuff: Please visit ungerreview.com. In the next few days all the old dailybonnet.com links should work, but right now if you go to that site, you’ll see a blank page. Those just take a little while to transfer.
Welcome to The Unger Review. I hope you enjoy it!
Andrew Unger