More than a month after Daily Bonnet author Andrew Unger released his hilarious new novel Once Removed, Mr. Penner of Steinbach still has not been able to find it for ten cents at any of his favourite local thrift stores.
“I know. I’ve looked everywhere,” said Mr. Penner. “I’ve tried all the Self Helps in the region. I even drove out to Altona. But it seems that no one who bought that book is ready to part with it. Diewel, what’s with these stingy people!”
Mr. Penner believes the Loewen sisters probably snatched up all the copies at the last bag sale.
“You should see those Loewens. They never leave the MCC without an arm full of Preservings and a stack of Rudy Wiebes.”
Mrs. Loewen admits she does have a copy of Once Removed and has already read it a couple times, but says she wants to give it a few more reads before donating it to the church library.
“Plus, it’s really making the rounds at the manor,” said Mrs. Loewen, much to the dismay of Unger who was naively hoping each manor resident would buy their own copy. “I sure hope Mrs. Wiebe doesn’t crack the spine like she usually does!”
As for Mr. Penner, he’s hoping someday, somewhere, somehow he’ll stumble upon a copy of Once Removed that’s been penciled in at less than a dollar.
Sadly, Once Removed is not available at your local thrift store, but there are more than a few places you can pick up a copy or order online! (Yes it is available on Amazon, but Jeff Bezos probably has more than enough money, right?) Here are a few bookstores that have it on their shelves. (As of press time, anyway. Please confirm directly with the bookstore of your choice).
Calgary, AB:
Guelph, ON: The Bookshelf
Multiple locations across Canada: Chapters/Indigo
Salmon Arm, BC: Bookingham Palace
Saskatoon, SK: McNally Robinson Booksellers
Steinbach, MB: Mennonite Heritage Village
Toronto, ON: Book City
Waterloo, ON: Wordsworth Books
Winnipeg, MB:
CommonWord (at CMU)
Mennonite Heritage Archives (at CMU)
If your local bookstore is not listed above, just ask! They should be able to order it for in for you!
Once Removed is also available as an e-book on Kindle and Kobo.
Also, if you’re aware of a bookstore that has Once Removed on their shelves, please let me know and I’ll gladly add it to this list! Happy shopping!