The roundabout craze has taken the Pembina Valley by storm with city streets, local businesses and, now, even churches trying to cash in on the fad. Winkler Mennonite Bible Church plans to spend $3,000,000 this fall converting a large portion of their parking lot into a roundabout.
“Not only will it ease traffic congestion on our lot,” said Pastor Dan, “but it’ll also provide hours of entertainment for our young people.”
The plan is not without criticism, however, as a sizeable portion of the church, mostly seniors, has threatened to leave Winkler Mennonite Bible and go to Winkler Bible Mennonite.
“This roundabout is just far too confusing,” said Mr. Penner. “Plus, doesn’t the Lord tell us to keep on the straight and narrow path? This can’t be biblical!”
Despite the threats from the anti-roundabouters, Pastor Dan says the plans for construction will go on.
“We need to do what’s right for this church and this community,” said the pastor, “and not let a small group of naysayers dictate the direction our church will take. In this case that direction is going around endlessly in circles, but I’m confident it’s the way we need to go.”
As the leader of the largest Mennonite church in town, Pastor Dan has had to navigate these dicey waters before.
“Change is hard for some people. They’re used to the old way. But the old way of four-way stops and right angles is not always the best way,” said Pastor Dan. “You should have seen the resistance we got when the church decided to allow automatic transmission vehicles.” The church hopes to have the roundabout ready for use by early October.
Meanwhile cross-town rival Winkler Bible Mennonite plans to attract disgruntled WMBCers with a special open house event in their much more traditional parking lot. Mr. Penner was pleased to hear it.
“Ah, now that’s a place a man can park his combine!”
(photo credit: Andrew Skudder/CC)