Days after Morden’s first ever Pride march, a confused, yet earnest, Mennonite man from Winkler decided to hold a march of his own.
“Jauma, those Mordeners, always so proud and smiling and having a great time!” exclaimed Mr. Klassen. “But what do they have to be proud of over there? A couple dinosaur bones and a Chicken Chef?”
Mr. Klassen believes this Morden Pride thing must have something do with having “fewer Mannanites out there yet.”
“Mannanites are the humblest people in the whole world!” proclaimed Mr. Klassen. “So to prove our humility, I asked averyone to come on Monday afternoon for the first annual Vankla Humility march!”
The Winkler Humility march featured a couple dozen dour-looking Mennonites, mostly Mr. Klassen’s frintschoft, wearing black and walking down Mountain Avenue flagellating themselves.
“It’s the biggest event of the summer!” said Klassen. “We marched from the MCC to the Co-ops…and back…it’s not a long distance.”
Mr. Klassen says they even gave out a prize. The humblest person in attendance, a second cousin on the Kehler side, was the very proud winner of a round-trip week-long vacation to Morden.