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Winnipeg Man Stuck 15 Years At Train Crossing


Area man Greg Neufeld, 41, stopped for a train in Winnipeg back in 2009 and, according to this wife Diane, is still there some 15 years later.

“I texted him to see where he was at,” said Diane, “but he said was waiting for a train at Marion and Archibald, so I knew he would be a few more decades.”

Greg says he’s a pretty patient fellow, but after 7 or 8 years, he started to get a little antsy.

“I wasn’t around to see my kids grow up,” said Greg. “But, you know, hopefully if this train passes in the next year or two, I can be there for Alex’s high school graduation.”

Diane says it’s been hard raising the kids on her own, but is really looking forward to Greg’s return for their 25th wedding anniversary.

“He can’t make any promises, though,” said Diane. “This is Winnipeg, after all.”

Diane is willing to wait a few more years for her husband’s return, but hopes the milk hasn’t gone bad.

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