Unlike a number of made-up musicians in Daily Bonnet history such as the Goertzen Family singers or, say, the great Mennonite hip-hop artist Corny Reimer, up-and-coming alt-country artist Skinny Dyck of Lethbridge is totally real.
“I kept getting email after email wondering about this guy,” said Andrew Unger, author of the Daily Bonnet. “Everyone just assumed this Skinny Dyck fellow was another one of my slightly suggestive Dyck jokes.”
But in what turns out to be the most shocking moment in Canadian Mennonite history, the musician going by the name Skinny Dyck is actual real … and you just might like his music.
“Not since Sturgill Simpson have I gotten this excited about a new country artist,” said Unger. “He’s like a slightly trippy modern day Willie Nelson but ever skinnier and more of a Dyck. Check it out once yet.”
(photo credit: Skinny Dyck)